November 14, 2023 Nurturing Growth: Low-Tech Water Harvesting Solutions for Small Farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa We face many challenges in addressing how we grow food to put on our table. One of the biggest issues is the farm productivity gap: simply, farmland is… CONTINUE READING
Integrating Multi-Omics Data for Enhanced Crop Improvement If someone asked you which data sets are most important for plant breeding – genome or transcriptome data – how would… continue reading June 14, 2023
Traditional arid land and water management As someone who is deeply concerned about the future of our planet and the challenges we face in feeding a growing… continue reading April 24, 2023
Plant-Based Protein Foods: It’s not your mother’s veggie food anymore Growing up in the 70s and 80s, as a vegetarian was not easy. My mom’s version of vegetables was mushy-mush and… continue reading March 25, 2023
Cuban Comfort in Abu Dhabi: Reliving the Magic of Abuela’s Picadillo Standing in my kitchen in Abu Dhabi with the smell of onions and garlic swirling around me, I close my eyes… READ MORE May 22, 2023
Ready for my next stopover We have traveled on great adventures as a family. Two years ago, we traveled to Vietnam for the end of 2018…. READ MORE March 30, 2021
For the love of cooking I remember the growing up and watching my grandfather cook. He was a chef who loved French cuisine and made wonderful… READ MORE March 29, 2021